
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Summer Is Torture (For Skiers)

Summer is a great season, because you get to burn time kickin' it back with friends, jetski, go to the beach and surf, go boating and offroading and whatnot. But if you're a skier, especially a hardcore skier, Summer is also a time to re-grow all of the bones you busted during the last runs in April and May, and to start gearing up for that time in late Fall when you open the closet, and slowly dig through your beach towels and wetsuits to get to the skis hidden at the bottom.

You have to be ready, because when that first snowflake falls, you don't go outside and try to catch it on your tongue like a child, no. You let it fall all the way down to the ground and stick, so you can build up a nice foundation of snowpack to shred on.

But before then, you have to wait all Summer in the offseason, and try to keep yourself preoccupied with other adrenaline-filled activities. Generally, we skiers do a pretty good job of shutting it out of our minds for the Summer, so we don't go nuts. That is until mid to late July, when all of the ski movie producers carry out the torturous act of releasing the first trailers for the ski films that will be released in the fall. That is when we skiers go berserk, go into severe snow withdrawals, and talk about nothing but skiing until December. This is because waiting for ski season is like holding back a huge piss...when you finally let it go it is like heaven on earth.

That time is now. Today, Teton Gravity Research released the first trailer for their 2008 film, "Under The Influence" (which is a pretty apt title.) So excuse me if I seem like a raving maniac who spends 15 hours a day glued to the Weather Channel from late October through early December, and skis down the emergency staircase in the dorms. If you see anybody walking around in this bright summer sunshine in flip-flops and Anon ski goggles, that would be me.

For your enjoyment, the trailer for TGR's "Under The Influence."

Current Mood: Stoked
Watching: "Anomaly" by Teton Gravity Reasearch

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