
Sunday, December 13, 2009


We exist as children in a sandbox. We toy with the sand, move it about, create castles and moats, tunnels and bridges, space installations and moon bases. But alas, they are all but sand; subject to the dousing of our own malfeasance, returning them to their original state as nondescript and common, integral mounds of the universe. What we call creation is rather transformation. What we see as sudden materialization is rather coagulation. We cannot fabricate but with the limited selection in infinite supply of pieces preexisting in this place. We are children in a sandbox.

Current Mood: Tired
Listening To: Nothing

Thursday, December 3, 2009


“Explain how you feel.” And I guarantee you can’t. Emotion is not something to be explained. Of all the abstract concepts explored through science and philosophy, emotion is closest to us, yet furthest from our understanding. We have terms that we have assigned to this emotion or that, but is it really a scale? Is it a limited selection? Or is it a multidimensional continuum? How can feelings be explained as individual entities if emotion itself cannot? Psychology and biology can of course trace emotion to its neurological source in the brain, but as is common in science, this determines the how without the why. Remove the numbers from a clock and you’ll find that time is a dimension far beyond our understanding. We access it because we live immersed in it, but it is too transcendent to describe. Experiencing emotion is as inevitable as experiencing time, and at least equally intangible.

Current Mood: Placid
Listening To: "Remembrance Day" by Mark Knopfler