
Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Really Good Day

Usually when you expect and hope for the best, something comes up from behind and knocks out your teeth. Likewise, when you're really pessimistic, good things happen. Funny.

For example, I thought this week was going to SUCK. I had a ton of work to do on Sunday night, and was not looking forward to any of it. Instead it's been one good thing after another. First I had a Communications speech due on Monday, wasn't excited for that. All of the speeches were only kind of average. I had practiced for five minutes, and my other two group members and I had only exchanged a few e-mails. The first guy stood up and nailed his part, the second guy nailed his, and then I gave a gripping conclusion. The professor stands up and says:

"You know, I dread listening to Engineers speak. They're terrible speakers. But these three guys are all Engineers and they absolutely nailed it. It was flawless. Outstanding job."

One down. Next was my first English essay. Since I had joined the class late, everyone else's essays had been graded when I handed mine in. The professor said, "These papers were all very solid, with good ideas, but the execution needs a lot of work, so I DIDN'T GIVE ANYTHING HIGHER THAN A B." He gave NO A papers at all, none. But he graded mine while we were doing some classwork, and we picked up our papers on the way out of class. Mine said:

"A+ idea, B+ execution. A overall, very good."

I was going, "uhhh....what?" I did not just get the only A paper in the class. Yes I did. PWNED. Two down.

Third was supposed to by my first math mid-term. I didn't study at all. I showed up to class, and...the entire floor of the Computer Sciences building where my class is was completely roped off by caution tape, with a bunch of cops hanging around. I still don't know what happened, but the test got pushed back to Friday. I had an extra day to study, so I stayed up until two watching movies. Friday I got on my longboard to go to class, hit a curb, and completely fucked up my arm. I walked into class in slight shock, aced the mid-term, left, and went to sleep.

I had three huge goals this week and absolutely blew them out of the water. I wish every week was this awesome. Maybe next week I'll...nevermind. Have a good weekend.

Current Mood: Luminous
Listening To: "Thrash Unreal" by Against Me!

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