
Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Suppose, for the sake of argument, that gorillas were capable of advanced abstract thought. If that were to be so, a gorrilla living in the rainforest unintroduced to humans must think himself the smartest of all the animals. He believes god has gifted him with the highest rank in the natural hierarchy. He would arrogantly proclaim that god must therefore be in his form, representative of the brightest, most powerful creature of all.

This notion is ridiculous to humans, for they know they are smarter. Why then is it not possible that we are living in our own rainforest? Could there not be a more intellligent being somewhere in this vast universe that looks upon humans, amused by our foolishness? They then might proclaim god to be similar to themselves, and so on.

This chain of senseless imbecility continues until it is broken by a life form that uniformly understands the fallacy of proclaiming the form of god, or even proclaiming god at all. Could it not be that god has no form, or one unimaginable? Could it be that there is no god? These are hypotheses concocted only by the strong mind. The weak submit blindly to yet unproven theories, while the philosopher continues to create and modify such theories, considering all but never accepting any.

Current Mood: Relaxed
Listening To: "Destination Unknown" by Marietta

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