I think.
I'm pretty sure I'm abnormal because of that, since, from what I've observed in other people, thinking isn't something that is done on a regular basis.
Sometimes, thought can save you. Life is convenient when you think, and it usually gives others the impression that you're not a dolt. For example, by thinking, I can decide to turn on my blinker and safely change lanes, while appearing to be a good driver. I can also logically decide how exactly I am going to run your ass off the road after you cut in front of me.
In some cases though, thinking is a nuisance. Now, for example. Its three in the morning, and dammit I want to sleep. I can't, though, because I'm thinking. I will sit here, mind wandering, until it shuts off, like a thermostat hitting the right temperature.
Thinking about what? I put thought into life, a lot of thought. I think about the past, the present, the future. Where did I screw up, why am I like this, what will I do with life? I think too much. There is such a thing as thinking too much. Regardless of how much you love chocolate, if you eat too much of it, it will make you sick. Same idea.
For example, thinking while I'm talking. I wish I could speak like I write, because I would be as suave as James Bond, every word perfectly aligned. But if you try to sound cool by thinking about your words, you swallow your tongue and come across as a moron. You know, you have just one chance to make a first impression. I've blown plenty of those, some of which I really, really wish I had a second chance on, one that's particularly nervewrecking. But it's that damned thinking that gets in the way every time, and completely removes you from character. I guess it's a personality flaw I just have to deal with.
If you don't know me well and I seem kind of weird, I hope that explains it. I'm just thinking.
Ideally, though, take my advice. You should think like you should drink, in moderation. Have a Rasperry Bacardi, but not too many and not too often or you will lose your head. Think about your life, but not too much, or you'll end up like me. Writing philosophical blog entires in the middle of the night.
I'm going to go take some melatonin.
Current Mood: Thoughtful
Listening To: "New Slang" by The Shins
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